How to Coach An Employee With A Negative Attitude

how to coach an employee with a negative attitude, how to coach an employee with a negative mindset

Do you have a few individuals on your team where the glass isn’t half full – it’s practically empty? We all have experienced negative attitudes in our lives. Whether from another coworker or within our circle of family and friends. It’s discouraging to hear negative attitudes towards change, other employees, clients, or even the status quo over and over again. As a leader, you can change this record with these 6 different approaches. Here is how to coach an employee with a negative attitude

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Creating a SWOT Analysis – On Your Own Leadership Skills and Abilities

personal swot plan

Let’s do the opposite of a performance review. A performance review is done annually with your boss where you highlight all of your accomplishments and minimize (but provide lessons learned) of any shortcomings. Instead, you’re going to take an honest and confidential look to assess your leadership skills and abilities using the SWOT analysis tool.

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How to Develop Mental Toughness as a Middle Manager

crisis management like a real leader

Mental fortitude is a term entering the business world that was borrowed from elite athletes. Understandable, as mental toughness is believed to align with better performance. Having a high sense of self-belief mixed with the attitude that one controls their own destiny allows us to persevere through difficult circumstances. Simply put, mental fortitude is unshakable confidence that you can get through the current challenge facing you. Here is now to develop mental toughness as a middle manager.

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