How To Coach Employees Who Think They Know Everything

How To Coach Employees Who Think They Know Everything, how to provide feedback to a know it all

Have a know-it-all on your team? There is no mistaking this employee’s approach to tasks – they barrel through without getting feedback from the rest of their team. If they are not as great as they think they are: this causes overall quality concerns and frustration from the rest of their team. It’s also difficult to provide feedback to a know-it-all because they are so sure they are right. Here are tips for how to coach employees who think they know everything.

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Addressing Team Performance Issues when the Previous Manager Avoided Conflict

Change is difficult

Are you a new or experienced manager coming on board to an established team? There may be some unspoken rules or team norms that require your time to sort through.  It becomes a challenge when these team norms are undesirable and cause issues with quality, service, organization, or interpersonal conflict.

This dysfunction creates an unproductive environment and needs to be addressed for the health of the team.  The challenge comes with what to do with a team that has such firmly established poor dynamics – because their previous manager let them get away with it!

After you have finished cursing the previous manager’s name, you need to come up with a plan to get the team back on track. Standards for professionalism need to be clear, boundaries need to be set, and quality work needs to be set as the expectation.

Read on to find out the risks of doing nothing and tips on how to address these deeply rooted behaviors.

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