Make Your Leadership Life Easier With This One Skill

how to make leadership easier, The benefits to your leadership from relationship management, importance of relationship management in leadership

Want to seem like a leadership savant? Here’s a secret, you don’t have to be amazing at everything, except your relationship management skills. Often when we think about the importance of developing relationships, we focus on the client side or only our immediate team. Do not forget the importance of building a network within your organization both up, down, and across the organizational chart. Developing a positive reputation at all levels and across the organization is essential for your future success. You never know who you will need assistance from on a project, or who you may be working with in the future. Here’s how to make your leadership life easier.

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How To Handle Employees Who Are Outspoken About Their Political Beliefs At Work

How To Handle Employees Who Are Outspoken About Their Political Beliefs At Work, Strategies to minimize political discussion at work

There is the long standing rule of “don’t talk about sex, politics, or religion at work”. Not only is it a distraction at work, polarizing opinions can create disharmony on your team. As a leader, you need to monitor what is happening on your team, and if someone is creating a disruption because they are not adhering to this long standing rule, you need to step in. Here is how to handle employees who are outspoken about their political beliefs at work and strategies to minimize political discussions at work.

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Tips For Dealing With Easily Offended Employees

I will admit, it is always tempting to procrastinate on having conversations with someone who is easily offended when you know that any criticism will be blown out of proportion. There are bound to be people in your life – and on your team, that are “just like that” when it comes to taking criticism or perceived slights that their leaders or coworkers may inadvertently make. Here are some tips for dealing with easily offended employees and how to coach your team in dealing with an easily offended coworker.

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