Want To Increase Productivity and Decrease Stress? Try Letting Tasks Go!

increase productivity by letting tasks go

When you keep getting asked to do more with less, productivity is a hot topic these days. We are trying to “do it all” by balancing a demanding job, mentoring others, and most likely some continuing education (you’re here, aren’t you?). Despite all of our attention to all of the tasks in our professional life – we never feel caught up. What if we could get caught up and increase productivity by letting go of some of the tasks on that to do list?

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Proven Ways To Deal With Disruptions At Work And Refocus Your Attention

how to deal with distraction at work

If you think the only work distraction are the people stopping by your desk, you should know that on average, people’s focus gets pulled away from a task every 3 minutes! When you are on a deadline or your task requires focus, these distractions are detrimental to the quality of your work. Just when you get on a roll, someone comes by your desk or your phone rings and you lose your train of thought. Here’s how to deal with disruptions at work and refocus your attention so that you can accomplish that to-do list.

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