How To Perform Remote Performance Reviews That Are Effective

Working virtually is new ‘normal’, right? Just when we feel that we might be settling in to some sort of predictable pattern working remotely, a new challenge will come our way. I’m sure that performance reviews were not even on your radar until you got that gentle reminder email from your company that your performance review was due – which means you are completing it for your team. Performance reviews are challenging enough in person, but how do we ensure that they are still effective virtually? Here is how to perform remote performance reviews.

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How to Provide Feedback on Employee Self Assessment Comments

employee feedback self evaluation

The employee self appraisal or self evaluations are an important section of a performance appraisal. It provides insight on the employee’s perspective on their performance. Not only does it provide insight on how the employee feels that they are doing, these comments provide opportunities to ask follow-up questions to have a real conversation. What happens when the employee is completely out of touch with how they are performing or their future at the organization? Read on to find out conversation prompts for your face to face performance appraisal and how to provide feedback on employee self assessment comments – good AND bad.

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Creating a SWOT Analysis – On Your Own Leadership Skills and Abilities

personal swot plan

Let’s do the opposite of a performance review. A performance review is done annually with your boss where you highlight all of your accomplishments and minimize (but provide lessons learned) of any shortcomings. Instead, you’re going to take an honest and confidential look to assess your leadership skills and abilities using the SWOT analysis tool.

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