The Simple Things that the Best Leaders Do

If you are thinking of becoming a leader or have taken that first shaky step into the world of management, you should know that the combination of different qualities and skills will make your leadership a success. Gone are the days where you can just be brilliant at a single task and that will be enough. Leadership is a combination of both personal and interpersonal skills, but they do not have to be complicated. Here are the simple things that the best leaders do.

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How to Get Your Leadership Back on Track and Find Your Groove Again

leadership burn out

Ever feel like the shine has gone out of that sought after leadership position? Your everyday actions and decision making impact leaves you increasingly susceptible to leadership burn out. It becomes too much when the drudgery of administrative work and the stress of dealing with difficult people outweighs the balance of reward. Here is how to get your leadership back on track so that you can achieve your goals and find your passion again.

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Powerful and Persuasive Words to Use as a Leader

It’s not what you say, it’s the art of how you say it. Art? Yes, language and tone is a powerful tool to persuade action as a leader. By choosing your words carefully and paying close attention to tone, you control your messaging. Through this careful messaging, you can persuade and change how people view you and your leadership. Read below to learn some powerful and persuasive words to use as a leader.

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How to Stop Undermining your Leadership By Being a People Pleasing Manager

undermining leadership people pleaser

Communication in a leadership role is nuanced. It’s a balancing act between two subtly different leadership communication styles. One of them is being generally agreeable as a leader to keep the peace, but picking the battles where we will push back. The other is to stay agreeable as a leader and being run over by your staff because you will not stand up because you want to people please. This latter is a very dangerous practice. You need to stop undermining your leadership by being a people pleasing Manager.

Your leadership is undermined when you are too focused on people pleasing. In Management, it is our job to keep operations going, not to be everyone’s friend. It’s always nice to be friendly, but boundaries need to exist.

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Stuck in the Middle With You: A Middle Manager’s Plight

Team Lead, Supervisor, Division Manager. Whatever your organizational chart calls it – you’re a middle manager.  Stuck between dual demands of your superiors and direct reports, you’re the role that has to placate both. Your mentor may have forgotten, or didn’t want to discourage you, with how difficult this role can be! Here are tools to add to your leadership toolbox so that you can navigate this difficult middle management role like a pro!

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