12 Things You Are Doing Right Now As A Manager To Annoy Your Team

things your boss does to annoy you

Think you are doing everything right as a leader? There is always more to learn about leadership and the best method of motivating and communicating with your team. You may be a new or tenured manager, but you might be inadvertently annoying your team with some of your habits. Read more about these 12 things managers do that annoy their team and why they can be damaging.

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Is Decision Making Fatigue Overwhelming? Here’s How to Cope as a Leader

decision making fatigue business leadership

Ever have a day that when you show up to work you are firing on all cylinders and by the end of the day, you feel depleted and worn out? The number of decisions – big AND small – have a cumulative effect where too many decisions in a short period of time leave you unable to be an effective decision maker. This is called decision making fatigue and it can have devastating effects on your decision making as a leader.

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Confessions of a Former Pace-setting Leadership Style as a New Manager

pacesetting style of leadership

Learning to be a new leader is hard work. Part of leadership development is learning what kind of leadership style you will adopt. There is some trial and error and adapting as a new leader so that you do not end up with a leadership style failure. Here are my confessions as a former pacesetting leadership style of Manager.

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How to Stop Undermining your Leadership By Being a People Pleasing Manager

undermining leadership people pleaser

Communication in a leadership role is nuanced. It’s a balancing act between two subtly different leadership communication styles. One of them is being generally agreeable as a leader to keep the peace, but picking the battles where we will push back. The other is to stay agreeable as a leader and being run over by your staff because you will not stand up because you want to people please. This latter is a very dangerous practice. You need to stop undermining your leadership by being a people pleasing Manager.

Your leadership is undermined when you are too focused on people pleasing. In Management, it is our job to keep operations going, not to be everyone’s friend. It’s always nice to be friendly, but boundaries need to exist.

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