How To Deal With Your Work Burnout When Your Staff Need Help With Stress Too

strategies to reduce workplace burnout, deal with your own work burnout, how to help team with burnout

Your brain is fried, your focus is terrible, and your productivity is non-existent. You are burned out. It will take self-care to give yourself a break. The challenge with that plan? Your team is burned out and exhausted too. Chances are whatever lead to your sustained work stress also affected the rest of the team. As a leader, how do you you support your team with burnout, when you are exhausted too? What are the strategies to reduce workplace burnout on your team while dealing with your own work burnout?

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Questions to Ask Yourself As A Leader To Find Out If You Lead By Example

Do you want to be by your teams side when they succeed, or be the reason that they fail? By being an inspiring leader, you let your team know what’s possible and you can be a shining example. Staff respond better to a leader who is willing to get their hands dirty and feel that their leader is ready to battle along with them. Leaders achieve this response through their leadership authenticity and leading by example. While many leaders aspire to this status, they fall short because they do not realize what a powerful leadership tool it is to have your staff emulate your examples. To find out how you can achieve this, below are a list of questions to ask yourself as a leader to find out if you lead by example.

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Confessions of a Former Pace-setting Leadership Style as a New Manager

pacesetting style of leadership

Learning to be a new leader is hard work. Part of leadership development is learning what kind of leadership style you will adopt. There is some trial and error and adapting as a new leader so that you do not end up with a leadership style failure. Here are my confessions as a former pacesetting leadership style of Manager.

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