How To Prepare And Support Staff For Transitioning Back To The Office

how to prepare and support staff for transitioning back to the office, change in office culture after Covid-19

I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about the “new normal”. I think the reality of a change in office culture after Covid-19 and trying to future proof against different unknown scenarios is what I am tired of. Contingency planning for months is exhausting! As organizations start to look towards moving currently remote employees back to the office in different forms, staff anxiety is going to go up. How is work going to keep us safe? What if one of my family members gets sick? Here is how to prepare and support staff for transitioning back to the office.

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The Simple Things that the Best Leaders Do

If you are thinking of becoming a leader or have taken that first shaky step into the world of management, you should know that the combination of different qualities and skills will make your leadership a success. Gone are the days where you can just be brilliant at a single task and that will be enough. Leadership is a combination of both personal and interpersonal skills, but they do not have to be complicated. Here are the simple things that the best leaders do.

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Questions to Ask Yourself As A Leader To Find Out If You Lead By Example

Do you want to be by your teams side when they succeed, or be the reason that they fail? By being an inspiring leader, you let your team know what’s possible and you can be a shining example. Staff respond better to a leader who is willing to get their hands dirty and feel that their leader is ready to battle along with them. Leaders achieve this response through their leadership authenticity and leading by example. While many leaders aspire to this status, they fall short because they do not realize what a powerful leadership tool it is to have your staff emulate your examples. To find out how you can achieve this, below are a list of questions to ask yourself as a leader to find out if you lead by example.

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