How To Coach Employees Who Think They Know Everything

How To Coach Employees Who Think They Know Everything, how to provide feedback to a know it all

Have a know-it-all on your team? There is no mistaking this employee’s approach to tasks – they barrel through without getting feedback from the rest of their team. If they are not as great as they think they are: this causes overall quality concerns and frustration from the rest of their team. It’s also difficult to provide feedback to a know-it-all because they are so sure they are right. Here are tips for how to coach employees who think they know everything.

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Tips For Dealing With Easily Offended Employees

I will admit, it is always tempting to procrastinate on having conversations with someone who is easily offended when you know that any criticism will be blown out of proportion. There are bound to be people in your life – and on your team, that are “just like that” when it comes to taking criticism or perceived slights that their leaders or coworkers may inadvertently make. Here are some tips for dealing with easily offended employees and how to coach your team in dealing with an easily offended coworker.

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Motivations of the Successful Middle Manager

What are the best motivations for being a middle manager, and what are the worst?

Are these reasons setting up individuals for success or failure and disappointment?

Middle management is a tricky position to navigate: you have to placate the top and bottom simultaneously. This is a challenge for even the most veteran supervisors.

Your motivations for this role are predictors for success. Here are the top reasons for becoming a middle manager:

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How a Middle Manager Can Make Shifting Power Dynamics Work for Them

When entering a new workplace there are certain aspects of the company culture that the new hire is expected to adopt. Dress, language choice, body language, and most importantly how to respond to the power dynamics that already exist.

Power dynamics are complex interpersonal relationships that exist at every organization.  Every social interaction is a power equation, who has it and who doesn’t will determine the outcome.

A middle manager’s power is a multifaceted dance between leading a group and complying with senior management.  There are many leadership books on the market, but the truth is that a middle manager can really only use those traditional techniques half of the time.  Power stance?  Nope, not in front of the boss.
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