How Managers Can Avoid Having Their Meetings Hijacked

Ever been in a meeting that seems to make a turn for the worst? What about when you are presenting an idea or facilitating a group discussion that it is dominated by the person with seemingly all the feedback for the entire group?

You are standing at the front of the room with a smile that is fighting to not become a grimace.

Chances are that you aren’t reading this article because there is someone on the team that dominates the conversation by heaping praise on what a great job everyone is doing and management is brilliant. I’m accustomed to being surprised now, so if you are that rare specimen that has it all together, read on to hear what the rest of us plebes have to struggle with.

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Why Middle Managers are Essential During a Crisis

crisis essentail middle managerment

Every business will face a a crisis from time to time. This is not unique to any industry, it is just the price of doing business. Some of it is a result of  poor planning and other times it can be from factors outside of management’s control. The bottom line: middle managers are essential during a crisis.

There are probably many front line managers who are holding their second cup of coffee reading this and thinking, “Of course I can handle emergencies better! The big boss only knows how to schedule meetings!” Here are some of the reasons why middle managers are essential during a crisis and a list of leadership traits that will help guide you through uncertain times.

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