How To Prepare And Support Staff For Transitioning Back To The Office

how to prepare and support staff for transitioning back to the office, change in office culture after Covid-19

I’m sure you’re tired of hearing about the “new normal”. I think the reality of a change in office culture after Covid-19 and trying to future proof against different unknown scenarios is what I am tired of. Contingency planning for months is exhausting! As organizations start to look towards moving currently remote employees back to the office in different forms, staff anxiety is going to go up. How is work going to keep us safe? What if one of my family members gets sick? Here is how to prepare and support staff for transitioning back to the office.

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12 Things You Are Doing Right Now As A Manager To Annoy Your Team

things your boss does to annoy you

Think you are doing everything right as a leader? There is always more to learn about leadership and the best method of motivating and communicating with your team. You may be a new or tenured manager, but you might be inadvertently annoying your team with some of your habits. Read more about these 12 things managers do that annoy their team and why they can be damaging.

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