Is Decision Making Fatigue Overwhelming? Here’s How to Cope as a Leader

decision making fatigue business leadership

Ever have a day that when you show up to work you are firing on all cylinders and by the end of the day, you feel depleted and worn out? The number of decisions – big AND small – have a cumulative effect where too many decisions in a short period of time leave you unable to be an effective decision maker. This is called decision making fatigue and it can have devastating effects on your decision making as a leader.

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How to Run A Professional Virtual Meeting

Good-bye days of traditional face-to-face meetings! Working remotely has grown in popularity over the years with increasing technological capabilities, and studies to back up the positive aspects of it. Although this is not a traditional office environment, meetings still need to be professional. Virtual meetings are now common place, but there are many challenges and missteps. Here is how to run a professional virtual meeting.

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How to Manage your Virtual Team from Home

new business casual, work from home pajamas

Are you an experienced work from home guru, or just starting out? Managing a virtual team from home is completely different than a traditional office space. Read on to find out how you can lead a productive team from home – keep up your team’s progress, check in on milestones, and keep up the teamwork in your pajamas!

A hilarious article by CNN reports that sales of business attire for your top half is increasing, but bottoms are decreasing. The trend to work from home is on the rise in the face of a global pandemic. Now that so many are working from home, will there be a push when this is all over to continue?

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How a Real Leader Supports Staff During a Crisis

crisis leadership, emergency, change management

As individuals or as a group, staff members can feel overwhelmed with events going on both inside and outside work. Is there an internal restructure, or an external national crisis? Both will cause significant disruption and stress on your team. As a leader, you may feel helpless to do anything, but here is how you can support staff during a crisis.

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Confessions of a Former Pace-setting Leadership Style as a New Manager

pacesetting style of leadership

Learning to be a new leader is hard work. Part of leadership development is learning what kind of leadership style you will adopt. There is some trial and error and adapting as a new leader so that you do not end up with a leadership style failure. Here are my confessions as a former pacesetting leadership style of Manager.

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