The Surprising Benefits of Being A Friendly Manager

benefits of being a friendly manager, how to be a friendly manager
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A persistent idea in the business world is that only those that are self-serving and cutthroat can get ahead. While this may be the reality at certain organizations, it is no longer the rule that you have to be a complete A$%#@!e to be successful as a manager and get the most out of your team. Instead, it’s possible to be the type of leader you have always dreamed of following and get buy-in from your staff while maintaining a friendly demeanor. Here are the benefits of being a friendly manager, and tips for how to maintain balance so that you do not become overly friendly or a pushover.

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Make Your Leadership Life Easier With This One Skill

how to make leadership easier, The benefits to your leadership from relationship management, importance of relationship management in leadership
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Want to seem like a leadership savant? Here’s a secret, you don’t have to be amazing at everything, except your relationship management skills. Often when we think about the importance of developing relationships, we focus on the client side or only our immediate team. Do not forget the importance of building a network within your organization both up, down, and across the organizational chart. Developing a positive reputation at all levels and across the organization is essential for your future success. You never know who you will need assistance from on a project, or who you may be working with in the future. Here’s how to make your leadership life easier.

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How to Coach An Employee With A Negative Attitude

how to coach an employee with a negative attitude, how to coach an employee with a negative mindset
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Do you have a few individuals on your team where the glass isn’t half full – it’s practically empty? We all have experienced negative attitudes in our lives. Whether from another coworker or within our circle of family and friends. It’s discouraging to hear negative attitudes towards change, other employees, clients, or even the status quo over and over again. As a leader, you can change this record with these 6 different approaches. Here is how to coach an employee with a negative attitude

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10 Meaningful Ideas For How To Improve Employee and Team Engagement

ideas for how to improve team engagement, meaningful team engagement
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Team engagement is the affinity for employees to have a mental and emotional attachment to their work or workplace. Simply put, how many people are there for more than just a pay check? When it comes to how engaged your employees are in their work, it is a huge factor for overall team performance. Here are 10 ideas for how to improve team engagement in a meaningful way.

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How To Handle A Great Performer With A Bad Attitude

great performer with a bad attitude, good performer with bad attitude, Good employee with bad attitude
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Do you have someone on your team who does great work, but their attitude sucks? Sure they may hand in great quality work on time, or land big clients, but they are a nightmare to work with for the rest of the team. As a leader, you cannot let this negative behavior slide because it brings toxicity to the rest of your team. Here is how to handle a great performer with a bad attitude.

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How To Change Employee’s Minds Using These New Approaches

How To Change Employee's Mind, Changing an Employee's Mind, change employees mindset
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Ever find yourself squared off at work with someone over what you would be considered to be trivial? They do not want to change change “how we have always done things” even if that means not letting go of a coffee maker. The root of this is their emotional attachment to an idea or process. Here is a new approach for how to change an employee’s mind instead of trying to present facts and logic.

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